Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What's going on in your neck of the woods?

So this week has been very hectic and emotional and full of ups and downs.

Ashton has been very challenging this week. Pushing all the right buttons to make me very cross with him. It's resulted in some less than ideal parenting moments, and lots of tears from him and I. Elijah has hit a very stubborn stage where I'm met with lots of no and arm crossing. It's hard solo parenting. I really is. It's draining physically and emotionally. We push through these moments though. Occasionally I loose my shit, but usually we work through it.

It has it's moments though, like today, where I realise it's all worth it.

After a rather stressful night last night, which I'll get to in a minute, today started off slow. We left the house at 9.45, an hour late, and headed to the bank to deposit the boys money boxes. They especially enjoyed the money counting machine that commonwealth bank have there for you to use. Tip in the cash and it prints a receipt with the total. You can watch the number climb as it counts, and this excited the boy very much, with them all loudly counting along with the machine.
After the boys were at day care we headed op shopping, figured it could count towards their 1 hour of maths for the day ;) we found a few bargains too, like these 3 books for $1 each!

 We went home, did some reading, mathletics, Minecraft, and I even had a nap (whoops) when I fell asleep during silent reading time. After I picked up the little ones we headed to the park and watched the sun set.

Chase cooked dinner tonight, which was nice as I got to spend some 1 on 1 time with Ashton. We did some basic maths with our Bug Subtraction sheet we printed and laminated from SparkleBox which is a great site with 1000's of worksheets and printout games completely free.
With Bug Subtraction, they roll the dice, add that many bugs to the mat, roll the dice again and remove that many and count how many are left. We write them down as we go along and we read them all back afterwards.
Ashton and I played for about 20 minutes which was nice as he doesn't like to sit with 1 task for too long, and 20 minutes is a great block for maths.

Ashton proudly held up his sums for me to take a photo. He would be in kindy this year, which means he doesn't need to be registered for home schooling yet as it's not compulsory, but it's nice to get a head start. 

Back to last night.
Right on dinner time, Chase dropped his huge shell on Jaidan's toe. This resulted in a lot of screaming, and blood, and in the end a phone call for an ambulance. 
Once at the hospital, they gave him a local aesthetic, which was the only time he screamed since leaving home. I hate needles too so I can sympathise with him.
They cleaned it up, removed his nail as it was cut off, gave him an xray and found a small fracture. So he was sent home with 2 bags of dressings for me to change 2 times a day. He was so brave.
Luckily his nail bed was undamaged so it should grow back in time on it's own. Until then, keeping it covered and clean is what the doctor ordered and that's what we've been doing. 

As a treat for being so brave, we made an Icecream Overload this afternoon. The pictures speak for themselves. Revolting but amazing for the kids.

So what else have we been up to?

We made beetroot and feta dip, which was delicious on some Peckish crackers.

We made shopping lists with pictures and prices cut from supermarket catalogues. We then added up all the amounts, and then counted it out with real money. The boys were a little bit disappointed that we didn't take it to the shop and buy it so that will be a task one shopping day I think.

And the most exciting thing we've done this week was Adventure World again. Kids love this place, and I went on the more thrilling rides this time ;) Chase even came on the Freefall which is one of the best rides there! I love it. It shoots you 52 meters into the air at 15 meters per second, twice, then takes you up to the top very slowly, and drops you down at 12g's. It's pretty awesome and tummy flipping.

 Chase waiting for the chairlift.

 Chase, Alexander and Jaidan walking together to the next ride. Cute!

 Photo courtesy of Chase, while I was upside down screaming and hoping I would not die.

 The boys in the front of the rollercoaster. For a kiddy ride, this thing is a little scary!

Jaidan flying down the water slide. 

Jaidan on the chairlift. He hurt his eye when he headbutted a pole in the pool. Lots of blood later and a bandaid, all was well.  

Chase and Jaidan on the mini version of the free fall. For the little thrill seekers ;) 


  1. Wow that Adventure World sounds like an awesome place!

    Icecream Overload is on my list of things to do lol

    I've taken your lead with the homeschooling. Each day BJ7 has off regular school we've been doing some homeschooling. He loves it. Although once we start Maths I can't get him off it!

    MC xxx

    1. D, I reckon you could easily hs him full time ;)
