Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First 'real life gets in the way of learning' day.

So today my littlest angel came down with a dreadful temperature. Well it started yesterday afternoon, and by last night he was hitting the high 38's. This morning, 39.4 so off to the pharmacy we went for a syringe so I could give him some medication.
This meant today he was extremely clingy and cried a fair bit.

Still adorable, even when sick.

So todays plan, which was to visit the Alcoa Discovery Centre, had to be postponed. It's okay, we will get there one day. 

Instead we went to the Commonwealth bank and opened up 3 new Dollarmite accounts (Jaidan already had one but he got a new book and money box). The boys were very excited at the thought of their own bank accounts! I made a pretty nice offer to them too, whatever they save between now and June, I will double. SO they've worked out that they have the potential to have a bank balance of $100 by the end of June, and I'll make it $200. For little kids, this is a LOT of money. They are already planning on what they are going to use it for haha Tonight we made up savings charts which they can colour in every time they deposit some money. It helps them see where they are at and their goal . 

3 of the 4 with their bank books.

Jaidan colouring in his savings chart. 

I finally got Jaidan Mathletics, and I'm so glad I did!! It was cheap through the Home Based Learning Network when you join, and he's loving it. He played for 4.5 hours the first day, and today he played for about 3 hours this afternoon. He really loves maths and told me it's his favourite thing to learn. It's now installed on the desktop, my laptop, his laptop, my iPad and the boys iPad. So no matter who is on what computer, he can play it :)

My little Mathletics fan. 

I don't know if this is a common love in ALL homes with small children, but my boys are currently obsessed with a little game called Minecraft. I love it because it really lets them use their imagination. If you don't know what Minecraft is, watch THIS little video. My boys are part of a group of home schooled children who all play together. They love this time and often ask if I can please log them onto the server with their friends. Even Ashton, who's only 4, will play and build things. It's really a great game, where their imagination is the limit. Here they are colouring in some Minecraft colouring pages I got from this site

 Minecraft art time.

So one of my previous posts had about Jaidan asking for a schedule of some sort. Together we designed this one in word which was a massive learning curve for me as I'm totally stupid when it comes to making things in word. We laminated it, and stuck the sticky velcro dots on it. Then I printed off some little pictures of things like bike riding, swimming, choir, Mathletics, the beach, Reading Eggs, science etc. Laminated those too, and put velcro dots on the back of them. Ta da! Schedule that can be changed to suit and can print and add more things in the future. 

Our homeschool schedule.

 Where it lives, on the fridge. 

One of the little pictures I used was this one. I used it because to me, this is what Australia is about. Multiculturalism, expression in ones own way, acceptance, and happiness. My boys loved this photo when I showed them also and said "they look really happy!". So when we come to this, we will be learning about all aspects of Australia, including our acceptance of everyone, regardless of religion or race. 
One of the most touching and beautiful Australia Day photos I've seen.

One last thing from me, today I got my Harvey Norman gift card that I won on Kidspot. I entered a bunch of photos in their OMO Dirt Alert contest, and this photo of Elijah won :) Yay! Tomorrow I am heading there to get a slow cooker!


  1. You're doing such a wonderful job with the boys and the homeschooling sounds so much fun. Congrats on the Harvey Norman voucher.
