Saturday, August 4, 2012

New Beginnings

With new beginnings comes a new blog.

A blog about me. My journey as a mother, a student, a friend, a neighbour, a sister. About my loves, lessons, downfalls, emotions, passions and opinions. A place to share my stories, share the ups and downs of life and share my thoughts.

So let's start at the beginning and work from there.

Me. I answer to Missy, Mel, mum, oi, waaaaahhhh and occasionally bitch. I'm usually found with at least 1 (but usually 4) small child attached to an arm, leg, back or neck. I will almost always have my camera around my neck. If it's not, it's within reach.
My days are spent unglamorously cleaning up poop, wiping grotty faces, wiping spills, sweeping up mess, making mud pies, creating the next Mona Lisa with finger paints, loosing at Junior Scrabble or reading about green eggs and ham.
My nights are very predictable. I am usually doing one of a few things. Reading a book, at the moment it's ones about Vampires. On the computer on Facebook, reading a blog or studying. Laying in my incredibly comfortable bed watching whatever show or movie I happened to be interested in at that moment. Occasionally, the geek in me emerges and I jump online and play a game called Lord of the Rings Online. I've never read the books, I've haven't made it past the first 30 minutes of the first movie, but I do enjoy playing the online game.

Up until June of this year I lived in cold, wet Tasmania. Beautiful, but cold, cold, cold and did I mention cold? Now I live in sunny WA. Where winter days are filled with sunshine and temperatures that would make any Tasmanian envious on a summer day.

Sad circumstances brought our little family to this beautiful part of Australia. It was a scary move, which has been full of blessings. We moved with our suitcases and 2 boxes. 1 was a vacuum cleaner, the other was full of what remained of our most cherished possessions. The small amount of photos we had left, some charred at the edges. Some school work and merit awards addressed to my children which I'd proudly kept, now covered in soot. A crystal bowl I'd received from an aunty when I turned 21. The smallest pair of rainbow coloured shoes that have been dragged through at least 10 relocations, and are now 28 years old. A few other bits and pieces that I have since thrown away. I'm still unsure why I packed some things of no importance and brought them the 3000+ km to our final destination. What was an extremely stressful and upsetting time, has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I believe everyone has a path in life, ours led us here.

We love WA! The boys are so happy here. The change in them has been amazing. They have always been fairly happy children, but they have really emerged from their shells and embraced the biggest change in their short lives to date.
J8 has always been a reserved little boy. Happy and content, loving in his own ways, but never overly affectionate in a physical way. Since our move he is snuggly, loves a cuddle and a kiss, shows more interest in his smallest brothers, and a lot more patience and love towards them when before were just pesky little midget terrorists.
C7, A3 and E2 are still as happy as ever, just more settled and really enjoying each new adventure we go on.
They are all really loving the fact that now we have family around. Before we had friends, but no family. Now we not only live in the same state as their aunty and uncle, but we only live a few blocks away! Each day is met with at least one small boy asking if we can visit their aunty and uncle, and even if we just pop in to say hi, it's often the highlight of their day.
I love it here. I love my sister and brother in law. I love my WA friends. I love the sunshine and the crazy WA rain storms. I love the atmosphere here. I love the small things, like having a Rainbow Lorikeet sit 30cm away while I'm sitting in the sunshine reading a book. I also love being able to walk down the street and not know one single person which was unheard of in the small part of Tasmania we came from.

So here is where our new beginning starts.

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